Vectrex biblio 1.13 released : video added

The Vectrex listing – I called it biblio – has been updated in 1.13 version. The finder has been upgraded too : among the current data – release year, insert, rarity – and the links to find a copy on the web, the collector will now watch a video I picked : review, tribute or fan film.

I hope this addition will relive some old memories and give more attraction for these old treasures !

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New 32X finder 1.23 version

I publish today the 1.23 version of the exhaustive list of sega 32X games. 2 main updates:

The scans have been found on the german web site I always try to scan my personal games, but sometimes they are not in perfect shape, and I am still looking for treasure like T-Mek or Kolibri. To make your navigation better, I think you should not wait the end of my quest 🙂

I respect the work of all collectors, and I indicate on all links the original source.

I hope you will enjoy the update.

Jeu Motocross 32X / variante UK | Source

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Neo Geo finder beta available !

Après plusieurs jours de travail (et ce n’est pas fini), la première version exploitable du dénicheur Neo Geo est disponible ici. Un premier set de 26 jeux est prêt, incluant les cartouches AES japonaises et américaines ainsi que les cartouches MVS. J’espère que cette nouveauté vous plaira. Je suis, encore plus aujourd’hui, très intéressé par vos avis/suggestions. Bonne chasse !

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New finder : Europe !

I am very pleased to announce the release of the new finder for the consoles Master System, 32X and Vectrex. The international search, especially for Europe, has been greatly improved. The old mechanism was not good enough : it asked to eBay France all the answers across Europe for a game. But the results were not exhaustive. Now, the finder asks each eBay websites for a game : you cannot miss a bargain at all. This feature is also working for Amazon.

I am also glad to deliver the finder pages in English for my international readers. The work is still in progress, but you should understand almost everything.

I hope you will enjoy these improvements !

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