Vectrex findings : Solat Quest & Rip Off

Two little gems in my mail box this morning : Solar Quest and Rip Off. The “cassette” boxes are in an excellent shape, which is pretty rare for 25 years old games ! Two fun games, especially Rip Off (the Solar Quest filter is quite basic : only a yellow spot in the middle of the screen – the sun – on a blue background) : you have to protect a pack of small triangles – fuel cells – from pirate ships stealing them. You have to shoot the pirates ! Some kamikazes are among the ennemies, to kill you, but you are not the primary target. It is a difficult but original game !

You can find a tutorial on Youtube here :


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Welcome… again !

Using Google Analytics, I have discovered that about 10% of the visitors were not from France. I think it could be cool to offer a translation (or an adaptation, it will be not a word for word translation) of the articles, to enlarge my public and retrieve more information about our beloved collections.

For the moment, only few news have been translated. I will try to post in the two languages simultaneously in the future. I will then work on the reviews and articles, and finally on the finder pages (the finder – “dénicheur” – is already mostly usable even for non-french speakers : everybody knows eBay and Amazon).

If you want to access to the English articles, just click on the flag in the right column.

I hope you will appreciate this initiative. Welcome (again) ! 🙂

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Did you say Vectrex ?

Some of my readers told me that they could not remember the Vectrex console. Not at all, really ? Here is a quick video compiling some great & famous games of this system, especially the amazing Scramble (released on Xbox live recently) :


Is it working ? Are you remembering it ? A console with a built-in screen, displaying blue/white vectors and using filters to simulate colors ? That’s it ! The Vectrex from Milton Bradley !

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Sunset Riders : the Far West by Konami

Seeking for 16bits sensations with shooting, collaborative and high scores ? So, you should know Sunset Riders for Megadrive (a Super Nintendo version exists). No ? We fix that right now.

Sucessfully adapted for the arcade title (even if 4 players were originally supported), this game places you into the Clint Eastwood’s and Terence Hill’s Far West. There will be blood ! At the menu : lady rescue and WANTED bad guys capture.

The game is a bit short, but really fun !


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Trouver un 3D imager pour Vectrex… neuf et pas (trop) cher

La console MB Vectrex reste un OVNI dans la paysage vidéoludique du XXème siècle : écran intégré à la console, graphismes vectoriels, premier casque 3D, utilisation de filtres. Elle est vraiment unique et offrit des sensations qu’on ne retrouvera que 10 à 15 ans plus tard.

Le 3D imager est donc un casque permettant de profiter d’un rendu type 3D sur les (3) jeux prévus à cet effet. Cet accessoire ultra-rare ne fut commercialisé qu’aux USA, en 1983. On peut difficilement le trouver dans un état irréprochable pour moins de 1000 dollars.

Boîte du 3D imager pour Vectrex

Boîte du 3D imager pour Vectrex

Un disque pour 3D imager

Un disque pour 3D imager

Mais il y a une solution !

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Streets of Rage !

Streets of Rage, voilà un titre de légende ! Cet excellent jeu 2D proposait de nettoyer un ville de divers gars (et fifilles, et… autres) louches à grands coups de poings/pieds/têtes. Un concept simple, jouissif à deux, que vous pouvez retrouver dans des titres comme Double Dragon ou Final Fight. Streets of Rage porte la marque de SEGA, et reste un des titres phares de la Megadrive (notamment grâce à l’équipe de développement qui fut à l’origine de Shinobi, un autre monument), et pour certains – dont moi – LE meilleur beat-them-all de tous les temps !

Cependant, il ne faudrait pas oublier les 2 excellentes conversions de Streets of Rage sur Master System (et sur Game Gear).

Streets of Rage 2 est difficile à trouver sur Master System, et présente une variation de sa jaquette intéressante :

Streets of Rage 2 sur Master System

Streets of Rage 2 sur Megadrive

Streets of Rage 2 sur Megadrive

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Biblio SMS 1.55 released and return of Carmen Sandiego

The new version of the Master System full set is available today, and a big mistake has been fixed : Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego is back ! This game was only released in USA and Brazil, I have forgot it in the previous versions of biblio. So here is the 306th Master System game of my list. A rare game too !

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Pépite australienne pour Megadrive

Do you remember Ecco the dolphin ? An action/exploration game, ecological, released on all SEGA consoles (even my beloved Dreamcast). I was surfing on eBay Australia when I found this gold nugget :

Ecco le dauphin sur Megadrive, édition Platinum d'Australie

Ecco the dolphin for Megadrive, Platinum edition from Australia

The Platinum edition of the sequel, the Tides of Time, in a beautiful artwork. There are some games edited in this collection… Catch them all ! 🙂

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Nouveauté sur le dénicheur : les réductions

Je viens d’ajouter une petite colonne réductions aux pages des jeux du dénicheur Master System et 32X, pour que vous puissiez bénéficier des promotions du moment chez les marchands en ligne que j’indexe. Pour l’instant seul Priceminister vous permet de gagner 7 ou 15 euros sur votre premier achat. Profitez-en ! 😉

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