We are back

Yes, finally !

After few quiet years (!), I am working actively on the web site. The menu : regular updates for your lovely collectible video games finder ! The sections Neo Geo and Vectrex are already uptodate ; the 32X section is near future.

To celebrate this, a small find : a Vectrex emulator playable online, directly in your browser. It’s here.

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Vectrex biblio 1.13 released : video added

The Vectrex listing – I called it biblio – has been updated in 1.13 version. The finder has been upgraded too : among the current data – release year, insert, rarity – and the links to find a copy on the web, the collector will now watch a video I picked : review, tribute or fan film.

I hope this addition will relive some old memories and give more attraction for these old treasures !

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Biblio Vectrex 1.1 : scans are coming

I release tonight the 1.1 version of the “biblio Vectrex” (full list of Vectrex games). No new game is listed, but the first scans are available : Rip Off and Solar Quest, in european version. I think that they are really awesome, a kind of mix between retro and future !

Rip Off sur Vectrex

Rip Off on Vectrex

Solar Quest sur Vectrex

Solar Quest on Vectrex

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Vectrex findings : Solat Quest & Rip Off

Two little gems in my mail box this morning : Solar Quest and Rip Off. The “cassette” boxes are in an excellent shape, which is pretty rare for 25 years old games ! Two fun games, especially Rip Off (the Solar Quest filter is quite basic : only a yellow spot in the middle of the screen – the sun – on a blue background) : you have to protect a pack of small triangles – fuel cells – from pirate ships stealing them. You have to shoot the pirates ! Some kamikazes are among the ennemies, to kill you, but you are not the primary target. It is a difficult but original game !

You can find a tutorial on Youtube here :


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Did you say Vectrex ?

Some of my readers told me that they could not remember the Vectrex console. Not at all, really ? Here is a quick video compiling some great & famous games of this system, especially the amazing Scramble (released on Xbox live recently) :


Is it working ? Are you remembering it ? A console with a built-in screen, displaying blue/white vectors and using filters to simulate colors ? That’s it ! The Vectrex from Milton Bradley !

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Trouver un 3D imager pour Vectrex… neuf et pas (trop) cher

La console MB Vectrex reste un OVNI dans la paysage vidéoludique du XXème siècle : écran intégré à la console, graphismes vectoriels, premier casque 3D, utilisation de filtres. Elle est vraiment unique et offrit des sensations qu’on ne retrouvera que 10 à 15 ans plus tard.

Le 3D imager est donc un casque permettant de profiter d’un rendu type 3D sur les (3) jeux prévus à cet effet. Cet accessoire ultra-rare ne fut commercialisé qu’aux USA, en 1983. On peut difficilement le trouver dans un état irréprochable pour moins de 1000 dollars.

Boîte du 3D imager pour Vectrex

Boîte du 3D imager pour Vectrex

Un disque pour 3D imager

Un disque pour 3D imager

Mais il y a une solution !

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